Last week, the land adjacent to the upcoming Eden Project site was marked for sale. This significant development has caught the attention of many due to its proximity to the Eden Project and its potential for future growth and development.
The site, located just a few meters from the Eden Project, encompasses approximately 8.9 acres of land that formerly housed an oil refinery facility. The operations at this facility have been inactive for the last 10 years, making it a prime candidate for redevelopment.
The site is strategically situated adjacent to the Port of Dundee, on the north side of the A92.
While the land remains up for sale, there have already been plans submitted to the Dundee City Council for significant development. In April, proposals were made for the construction of a substation and a Network Rail Feeder Station on the site.
The proposed substation is part of a broader plan to support Eden Project, which emphasises sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The attraction has previously made aware of its intention to minimise car usage by not advocating for an extensive car parks, encouraging visitors to use alternative modes of transportation.
While these efforts align with global sustainability goals, the lack of car parking facilities has drawn some criticism from locals.
Concerns have been raised about the accessibility of the site, especially for those travelling from areas without robust public transportation options.
The proposed project includes various undertakings such as earthworks, the formation of platforms, landscaping, access roads, enclosures, site drainage, and temporary construction compounds, among other associated operations.
The listing of this land highlights the ongoing evolution of Dundee as a dynamic and attractive location for development, promising exciting possibilities for the future.