I was delighted to visit the V&A Dundee this morning after concluding a meeting. I was recommended to go and visit the Dundee Tapestry at the museum for a while now which is currently on show until the end of this month.
I previously went to the Dundee Tapestry exhibition at the Verdant Works High Mill a few years back, so it was wonderful to see it again for a second time.
The Dundee Tapestry is the work of 140 incredible volunteers from Dundee and the surrounding areas who have dedicated their time to celebrate their home - something I am so delighted to see. All have put in a lot of hard work - and it's fair to say that it has really paid off.
Some of the tapestries on display are gorgeous and are a beautiful tribute to our city. From celebrating our comic book culture, to the women who helped earn Dundee the title of "She Town", every fabric of Dundee plays a part in this exhibition (no pun intended).
It once again made me realise how lucky I am to be from Dundee, because it is a place full of creative, innovative and trailblazing individuals who
Some of my personal favourites included the Dundee Comics Tapestry and the Dundee Gangs Tapestry, and of course the Dundee Innovations Tapestry, which features some of our best Dundonians and people who made Dundee home including Williamina Fleming, a maid turned astronomer who discovered the Horsehead Nebula, and Thomas McLagan, a doctor who lived in Dundee who helped pave way for the invention of aspirin.
And for the V&A Dundee, it is something that really brings in a local focus as it is always criticised by a lot of people for being targeted towards a niche audience. It brings my
The Dundee Tapestry is on until Sunday 28 April and it is FREE to visit. It is a heartwarming piece of incredible work that really pays tribute to Dundee for the innovative city that it is.