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Shackleton's Hope Cross is set to go on display in Dundee

The original Hope Cross from Ernest Shackleton’s memorial cairn in South Georgia is set to be displayed at Discovery Point in Dundee.

This exhibition is being organized in collaboration with the South Georgia Heritage Trust and with the support of the British Antarctic Survey.

The Hope Cross holds significant historical value. It was crafted from wood salvaged from an old whaling station and was placed atop a memorial cairn by members of Shackleton’s Quest expedition in 1922, following his unexpected death during the voyage.

For nearly a century, the Cross overlooked Grytviken Station in South Georgia. However, to preserve this important artefact and its legacy, the original was removed in 2018 and replaced with a replica in 2021.

Currently, the Hope Cross is aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough, making its journey to the UK.

Once it arrives, it will be featured at Discovery Point, the home of the RRS Discovery, the ship that initially carried Shackleton to Antarctica.

This exhibit will allow visitors to connect with Shackleton's remarkable story. The Cross's arrival and unveiling will be announced soon, offering a unique opportunity for enthusiasts to witness this piece of exploration history up close.

To create a fitting display for the Hope Cross, Discovery Point is seeking public support. They aim to raise £10,000 to build a tribute that honors Shackleton, one of history’s most revered polar explorers, and allows people from around the world to pay their respects.

With community support, Discovery Point hopes to celebrate Shackleton’s incredible legacy. Each donation will help build the display and allow donors to share a personal tribute to "The Boss," mirroring how the Quest crew recorded their names within the original cairn at Hope Point.

This initiative not only preserves an important artefact but also continues the tradition of honoring those who ventured into the unknown, paving the way for future generations of explorers.

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