The old Olympia Leisure Centre in Dundee was, for many years, more than a swimming pool- it was practically a rite of passage into adulthood for so many Dundonians.
The flumes of fun, the smell of chlorine, and chips after swimming-all these have stuck in the memories of those who visited the old Olympia.
After its demolition, the memories of the much-cherished pool remain in the hearts of those who once splashed, slid, and swam there.
Remembering the opening
Many Dundonians still remember the opening of Olympia in the mid-1970s with great fondness, bringing along for the first time some of those now iconic amenities: the flumes and wave pool.
"I remember when it first opened in the mid-70s - it was great!" recalls one local.
For many, it was an introduction to swimming. "My dad taught me how to swim in the old Olympia – he just chucked me in, and I had to figure it out!" laughed another Dundonian.
Flumes, wave machines, and poolside shenanigans
The flumes were the highlight for many, especially the notorious yellow slide. "The sheer panic going out the yellow slide, being in the air, then dropping into the water was terrifying, but we did it anyway!" admitted one swimmer.
Others remembered the original version of the yellow flume before it was modified: "Anybody mind when the yellow was just a sheer drop with a twist? It was over in about five seconds!" said another.

Of course, the wave machine was another major attraction. "Nearly drowned in the wave machine!" joked one who visited it frequently.
Others spoke of the fun and mischief they got up to, such as stealing extra time in the pool.
"Me and my mates used to wait till our colour band went off, then change lockers and go back in. The staff saw but didn't say anything unless you tried it three times!" remembered another.
Even the tiniest details have stayed fresh in people's minds.
"I remember the grumpy old men in the changing rooms handing out trays for your clothes," recalled one Dundonian. Others spoke of the post-swim rituals which completed the experience. "I can still smell the chlorine – and the chips afterwards!".
Some even managed to work their way in. "If you were quick, you could get the lift from the car park straight to the changing rooms and get in for free!" says one local with a knowing glint in his eye.
"It was more than just a pool"
In addition to swimming, it seems that there are other more treasured Olympia memories. "Loved playing table tennis there," commented someone, while for another, a very different talent - the busker in the tunnel outside - who played Pearl Jam.

Yet for some there are work memories too: "I worked in the café at weekends when I was at school," remembered an ex-staff member. Similarly, one guy worked as a lifeguard and taught swimming for years at that venue.
Comparing the old to the new
Not surprisingly, many Dundonians still prefer the old Olympia over its replacement. "Should have kept this Olympia – it was the best!" said one person. Others were more blunt: "It was ten times better than the new one!" claimed another.
For others, it was a mistake to destroy the old Olympia. "I've said it many times – they shouldn't have knocked it down until they were absolutely sure the new one was fit for purpose," argued a local.
Although the old Olympia is gone, the memories of it within the minds of Dundonians are still very strong: adventures during one's childhood and family excursions altogether combined fun and excitement in that place. "Loved this place, so many good memories," said one person.
As one commenter put it more succinctly: "Loved the old Olympia – I can still smell it."