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Eden Project has officially been given the green light

Updated: Jun 18

The Eden Project Dundee has been given the go-ahead as the planning application has been approved.

Planning permission has been granted for the Eden Project Dundee, marking a significant milestone in the project's journey towards becoming a reality. The approval came following a meticulous review process that culminated in a decision reached at a Dundee City Council meeting earlier in the evening.

The road to approval was paved with extensive community engagement efforts, as the Eden Project team embarked on a comprehensive co-creation process. This involved hosting a series of events across Dundee to actively involve local residents and stakeholders in shaping the project. Their valuable comments and feedback played a crucial role in refining the plans that were ultimately submitted for approval.

Spanning the former gas works site on East Dock Street, the scale of the development necessitated a thorough evaluation by the council. The application underwent rigorous scrutiny, including a pre-determination hearing at the planning committee, before receiving the green light from the full council. This decision underscores the careful consideration and assessment that went into ensuring the project aligns with the city's vision and objectives.

With planning permission now secured, the Eden Project Dundee can progress to the next phase of its development, bringing to fruition a vision that promises to enrich the cultural landscape of Dundee and create a lasting impact on the community.

Blair Parkin, the Eden Project’s Chief Experience Development Officer, said:

We are delighted that Dundee City Council has granted us planning permission for Eden Project Dundee. This is a major milestone for the project and the culmination of years of hard work by the Eden Project team, our partners in Dundee and the community who have engaged with us so generously. This is a project for Dundee, by Dundee and we are incredibly proud of the work we have undertaken together to get the project to this stage. We will allow ourselves a moment of celebration but we are well aware there is still lots to do to make Eden Project Dundee a reality. We will now concentrate on progressing the design, securing investment and continuing to deliver our community programmes in the city.

Dundee City Council leader, Councillor John Alexander, said:

The Eden Project is a further example of the city's ambitious regeneration drive. The project will help deliver hundreds of jobs, huge visitor numbers and tens of millions of pounds for the local economy. But it will also provide new educational opportunities and seek to build work on efforts within our communities, well beyond the site boundary. It will attract people from far and wide, as well as being very much for the citizens of Dundee. It was great to see so many locals helping to shape the proposals which were approved tonight.

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